Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Crazy Stuff!

I woke up this morning (on time...CRAZY!) and the first song that popped in my head was "I Feel Good" by James Brown.

This has never happened before.

It made me feel so great inside, and I just had this feeling that today was going to be awesome. Even though something happened between this morning and me writing this entry that wasn't so good, I can still smile! I just feel like a weight is lifted off of me and I am free and capable of doing anything. It's crazy the boundaries we give ourselves and the self-hate we show with our everyday actions.

I'm just sitting pretty right now and every decision I'm making will benefit me. I know I'm rambling and not giving any detail...but I can't. Just know, that nothing should hold you back from being yourself or sacrificing your morals and values...and if it does and you acknowledge that...you need to let it go.

Like an eagle, I soar
Alexandria C.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Rewards Of Living In Love

Life has taken a turn for the better! Everything just seems to be rosy...and I'm living in the moment. I'm truly finding that being myself and loving who I am exudes SOO much confidence. People see that confidence and they are attracted to it. I can't tell you how focused I am on my goals in life and also having fun and living it up!

So often, we focus on the factors outside of ourselves instead of working on self-love and improvement. We have to stop looking for validation from other people and begin to accept our strengths and weaknesses for what they are. When we begin to look inwards and resolve those problems, it will show on the outside and everyone will be able to tell.

This is a great feeling and I'm going to try and keep it this way. Everything is in my hands...even the hands I am dealt. It's all about your attitude and progression.

Continue to fight for self-love,

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It's Tough Out There

It seems like everyone around me is going through tough times...including myself. This world is really not forgiving and there's always some new drama popping up. It's crazy because when I feel like I'm strong enough, there's some other criticism or task to fufill. There's never enough time in the day and the motivation to get everything done is lacking to be honest. Trying to do your best when it's really hard to just keep up is exhausting. Especially when there are barriers up all around you.

I'm just trying to keep in mind that the sun will rise tomorrow. No matter what I am going through today or the harships that we all face. THERE WILL BE TOMORROW. Try again. Smile again. Push forward again. Brush the negativity off again. Because even when it seems like all is failing...you're still alive. You have breath in your body and you're able to take that next step.

Goodness I really needed to write this...feel like I'm preaching to myself. It's just important to focus on yourself and remember your goals in life no matter what others say or what it may seem at the moment. I need sleep lol. And a bubble bath...matter of fact, I'm gonna do that right now...wait I can't. I have a final's exam study guide to work on. See! It's always something. Guess I'll rest when I finish this life.

Meanwhile...pressing forward!
-Alex Christina

Monday, June 7, 2010


So, I guesss this summer is going to be about community service for me. I've been doing a lot at my un-paid internship...but it's all good! and I've been volunteering with different groups around Tallahassee and looking for more opprotunites to do so. I always go into volunteering slightly dreading it. I know that sounds bad, but I just never know what to expect! And it always seems like people want you to volunteer at the oddest times. But everytime I leave, I feel refreshed, empowered, and like I truly helped someone. That's my motivating factor. The feeling I know I'll get after and the change in the community or in someone's life that I was a part of making.

It may not seem like the most fun, but doing something for others shouldn't have to be. It should simply be about your duty to help the community which has helped you. You may not see it, but no good deed goes unnoticed.

In other news, life's been pretty interesting. Living in Love is TRULY a challenge! Everyday, I have to remind myself of the way in which I should act to improve my life and it's almost like I have that whole angel/devil thing going on. Where the angel is telling me to do the right thing, and accomplish my goals and keep moving forward and the little devil is making me procrastinate or get upset over little things, or over-analyze every situation. So...it's an ongoing battle. I'm just trying to focus on what's really important and that's my self-growth. I tend to focus on the factors impacting my life instead of the way in which I should react to them. Then things go crazy. Geez, I feel all over the place. Need to get centered again.
