Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I can never predict...and that’s fine.

2011 has been a year of subsequent wins and losses thus far. It’s kind of crazy because none of the losses have made me sad and none of the wins have made me boast. I’m taking it all in stride. Partly because I don’t know what’s going to happen next and because the things or positions I gain do not determine my success in life.

What I’ve learned through these four months is that 1) everything is temporary 2) face-value means nothing 3) give your all and you cannot be disappointed 4) realize that you’re worth more than others’ notion of your value. I’ve embarked on several endeavors that I would have never in my wildest dreams thought I would. But, everything happens for a reason.

It’s odd. I feel like I’m conditioning myself to be okay with things not happening the way I’d like them to. I guess I am, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Everything that has happened so far has led to something great occurring in my life! Whether the good or bad comes first, the end result is peace, understanding, growth and determination to become better. Instead of settling for what is given to me or waiting for the next opportunity, I’m going out and doing it myself. No one is going to hand you your life. No one is going to listen to your pity party about the things you’ve been through. What they will listen to is your decision to come out of it and change things.

That’s exactly what I’m doing: taking it all in, absorbing it, learning from it and moving forward into a brighter future. That’s the only way to ensure your greatness. Otherwise, we’ll be sitting back resting on our laurels or feeling sorry for ourselves.

Alex C.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Extremities of this World

Why does everything have to be so black and white? Especially being in college, most people are trying to find their moral ground or decide what they want to believe and how to act. It just seems that at this age, we are the most fragile in terms of what is fed to us. We are so eager to learn and grow that we often accept what is given and try to compile every different belief to create our own.

Only after this stage of life can we truly look back and understand the lessons learned. Only then can we pick and choose what we want to believe without it being tainted by more beliefs and restrictions on those beliefs! It’s an interesting game. Extreme liberals saying that all religion is bad and all Christians are hypocrites. Extreme conservatives saying that everyone’s going to hell and there is no middle ground. It seems to rule our lives at this stage. This defiance, anger and desire to be heard. But what are we truly saying? Are we creating a better environment for those following behind or are we pushing beliefs that leave people confused?

I am a Christian. I am pro-life in every situation. I am an Independent. I love poetry, art, philosophy and music. I have gay friends. My last car was a seven passenger Dodge Durango. I love nature. The list goes on and on. I do not claim to be perfect. I am not one-sided. How can someone be so blind as to choose one side in life and not enjoy the many facets that it holds? It saddens me when I see people follow those that are the loudest in their beliefs. At one point, I fell in that same boat. Just because a person was vocal and strong in their opinion I believed them right. But the time has come to stop following others extremities and find your own balance.

We have to start at the fundamental knowledge of our sensitive state. We are sensitive spirits at any age! Please realize that the messages you give to those around you penetrate them deep. We are not just speaking from our hearts; we are speaking into the hearts, lives and futures of others. So, what makes you think that your opinion should be more valued than another? What makes you think your opinion is the final say… I just want people to wake up and stop listening to these individuals that harp on matters without action. They stand like towers creating fear and awe in weak-minded individuals. There are so many of them from both sides of the spectrum. It is okay to have varying views. It is acceptable to not take a side or create a persona without having full knowledge of where that path will take you.

Be slow to take action and quick to think and decipher. Everything that is shown or said to you is not for your benefit. Everything that looks or feels right is not so.

Alexandria Collins