Tuesday, August 31, 2010


These past couple of weeks have been beyond crazy. Life has "begun" again as my sophomore year kicked off. Always blessed but at times stressed, I've been pushing through a new beginning. This year has been really interesting as I've tried to seperate myself from some of the activities that my peers engage in. The great thing about it is that none of it is intentional. It's become a true change in my spirit and desires.

Some have said that I've gone "ghost" lately. Not true! It's just that staying off the scene is so much fun. I had enough of the "being seen" stuff last year. With every revelation, my priorities change and my focus becomes clearer. I hope the same for you. I'm shooting for a 4.0 this semester, so I've realized that a lot of things have to be cut out and I'm enjoying that process.
A friend of mine told me that they can't stand being alone. Their thoughts consume them and it's frightening. How can your thoughts be frightening? When you don't know how to control or cope with the relaity of your life. I revel in my thoughts and that alone time or time with just a single friend is the best.

I'm also seeing the value of true friendships and relationships. Often, we know people but we don't really know them. Just their title or who they associate with. To really value someone and learn and grow from them, it's important to really get to know them and obtain a deeper connection. So, hopefully I get to really know people this year and vice-versa.

Alexandria Collins

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Sometimes—most times—the right thing to do isn’t easy. In fact, it’s much harder to do something to better yourself that is outside the box of what your friends are doing, than to follow their lead.

This school year is going to be crucial for me and so many others across the world. I have a lot I want to accomplish and no time to waste. What needs to change is the mindset. We tend to think that we can juggle everything and still do it perfectly. That’s just not humanly possible. All balls can’t be in the air and none fall to the ground. Something will give. For me, it’s going to be my social life. That’s the aspect of college that should be on the bottom of the totem pole, but we often put it near the top.

One year older, one year wiser.

I had a lot of fun last year…but was it all worth it? My GPA wouldn’t say it was lol. This year I have to put certain things on the backburner to make my goals, reality. I’m not saying I won’t ever be out, but everything has a time and place. I don’t need to be at BDubbs every Tuesday, or the Mint every Thursday…these things will always be there. My aspirations to be someone on this Earth and make a true difference won’t though. If that door closes, it may be hard to find another.

Your actions now determine your future,

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Simply Put: I Deserve More.

Do you ever feel like you’re settling for less? Like there’s so much more that you DESERVE but just aren’t getting? Well that’s how I feel right now. I’ve become so content and “happy” with a certain situation that I haven’t seen the signs pointing me in the opposite direction. Now it’s time to let go. I tried before…but I had no reason to at that moment. But now I know. It’s not about whether someone/some situation is physically holding you down, but a mental attachment is just as painful and destructive. It can overwhelm your thoughts and actions. Like I’ve said before, if something is not edifying you at all times...and you KNOW THIS it’s time to let it go.

That’s the hardest part though. The act of releasing and truly stepping away. Who knows if I’ll succeed or not. All I know is that I deserve more than this. I’ve outgrown this stage in life and it’s time to make BOLD moves. Ugh…I’ll just let it happen naturally. It’s for the best.

Readers, this is sorta my diary so sorry this is off topic…somewhat.

DJ AC Lovely.