Thursday, December 30, 2010

Take a Look

Instead of a long post about the changes I plan to make and the traditional resolutions, I wanted to introduce you to a new way of thinking. My friend suggested this website to me and this post in particular, spoke volumes. It's not about changing the sympotoms of your problems, but actually attacking the root issues and changing the way you view things. That's the only true way to bring about change in our lives...not counting down to 1 in hopes of a miracle.

Sounds kinda Debby Downerish I know lol, but I mean it with sincerity and kindness. I hope you take these tips and begin a true CHANGE in your life. Not just a momentary look into what could be.

Happy New Years Eve,
Alexandria Collins

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Minding My Own

Too much time is spent dwelling on the business of others. Why do we give so much energy to things that are NOT important? Things, people, ideas that will not benefit you or anyone else for that matter in the long run. It confuses me when I see individuals that could be achieving so much, achieving so little. The sad thing is we often don’t see it that way. If someone is doing an amazing job in their major, has 3 internship offers and volunteers every weekend, they get no praise. But the loudest person who stirs up the most drama gets all the attention! I’m tired of it.

In 2011, I will be accomplishing A LOT. It will be a great deal of work. I’ll be doing work to build my future. I’m so blessed to understand that every moment in the present affects every moment in my future. So while others are sitting around gossiping or making a big deal of the pettiness in life, I’ll be climbing. Success waits for no man. So until you let go of what others think, what may be popular at the moment, and the unnecessary things, you will not go anywhere.

All I want is the best for everyone. I wish harm on no man. But the way people act I swear, they don’t care about themselves! It confuses me so much. But oh well. I have too much on my plate to be worried about someone else’s. Unless it’s positivity, don’t bring it my way. I am going to stop engaging, commenting on or even acknowledging foolishness. I hope you do the same. It can only help.

Negativity begets negativity,

Alexandria Collins

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ready for Love?

We all want love. It’s a primal instinct. I believe the reason we seek love is because in many ways it equals happiness. So often we get bogged down with the pressures and problems in life and want “love” to bring that calm.

What I am realizing though, is that love—true love, does not come if we are not open to it. Puppy love, lust, and everything else will come easily and quite often to those that search. But something everlasting and complete will only come to those that are READY.

My girlfriends and I often talk about the kind of man we want, the ways guys have dogged us out in the past and the mistakes we’ve made in our past relationships. The same answer comes at the end: men are bad, they make us feel bad, but we still want one in our life. What I’m realizing is that the reason a lot of women have problems finding the right man is that we aren’t fully ready for that. We think we are, but through REAL evaluation, we’ll see that it’s not fully true.

Now, what do I mean by being ready? Ready meaning you know who YOU are before you allow someone else into your life. You know your desires, goals and plans to achieve them. Ready meaning you have a relationship with God and knowledge of the strength he’s given you. Ready meaning you have let go of the past and the “issues” your past has you bound with. Ready meaning you actually have something to bring to the table—something intangible and not physical. These things will make a relationship last. Something true and deep.

I’ve realized that all the time I was asking God “Why don’t I have a good man?”, I should really be asking myself “Am I a good woman?” I don’t want just any old guy on the block. I want someone on the same journey in life as I am and who can add to my growth. I want someone who understands my morals and values and sees my “different” path in life as a positive. That type of love takes time and maturity to achieve. But am I ready for that? Getting close.

So ladies, next time you get mad at the guy that hurts your heart, ask yourself “Am I ready for the blessing of a man God has for me?” If the answer is yes, better yourself first and he will surely find his way into your heart.

Alexandria Collins

PS: GUYS, just flip it a little and it all applies to your journey towards love too :)

Monday, December 6, 2010


(Letter to myself/certain individuals)

WHO and WHAT are you living for? Do you know your purpose? Have you figured out your worth?

I’m tired of letting other people’s opinions influence my actions. It’s too much when you rely on someone else to decide something for you. IT’S TIME TO BE STRONG. Everything happens for a reason, even if you don’t see it right now. God has given me strength like never before. When I think I’m feeling weak, he motivates me and lets me know that I can push forward.

The crowd does not determine your individual success. OTHERS do not make you the person you are supposed to be. Fear of exile should not prevent you from being yourself. It’s just been too long. I stand and see people try to push us down, make us feel unworthy, or like it’s too little too late. Well guess what? THAT’S EVERYONE ELSE’S PROBLEM BUT YOURS. Your integrity and determination depend on what YOU believe and NEED. Not what you WANT. That’s something I’m learning.

Everything you want is not what’s best for you and everything you need is what you are given. Sometimes God makes things happen for you to realize that. That realization is what makes you persevere. I will be great, I AM GREAT. Not because someone else has told me that, but because GOD has given me that and I know in my heart that I will achieve great things. It’s unfortunate that others can’t see that sometimes and they end up losing out.

I will continue to succeed with or without you. I’m just disappointed in you.
