Tuesday, September 28, 2010

3 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back

Yeah, I know the saying is 1 step forward, 3 steps back, but it's really the opposite right now. It seems like in some aspects of life, I'm moving full speed ahead, but in other ways I'm stagnant. It's the worst feeling. It's almost like being in quicksand, seeing the hand that could pull you out, but you like the sensation of sinking so much that you don't reach for that hand.

Okay, that was a bad metaphor.

My point is, sometimes my focus is off. I have SO MUCH going on in my mind at any given moment and great ideas of what I want to do, but the other things I'm involved in can cloud the way of my true purpose in college and in life. It's hard to make the decision to let some things go, but it's necessary. My professor, Dr. White broke it down for me. She said that it's hard for an over-achiever to not be involved. Our gut instinct is to say yes to every opprotunity to be involved and help. But that leaves what time for myself? Absolutely zero.

We have to start evaluating what's going to help us in this journey called life in the long run. Not just the momentary excitement or what satisfies someone else's desires.

Decisions to make and actions to take,
Alexandria Collins

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Perspective Determines Prosperity

Lately I’ve seen how attitude can determine success in day to day actions and over your lifetime. There’s been a lot of negativity around and it could get to a person after a while. The only thing keeping me from feeling overwhelmed is my personal decision to not let certain things affect me. What people think, say or do does not have to determine how you feel or act.

When you control you, then your success is not determined by outside factors. This increases your productivity and creates an atmosphere of peace. I’ve been speaking to a lot of my friends about balance, inner peace, love, prosperity etc. and everyone seems to have a problem with tying it all together. I think the main issue is that we don’t look at life right.

Not saying there is one specific way we should view the world, but if we see things from a higher point of view and look into the future instead of focusing on the pettiness of now, our latitude will match our longitude.

EX: You feel tired one night but you know you have a really important test to study for. Everything in your body is telling you to lie down but your mind is still trying to focus. What do you do?
You could look at the temporary benefits of sleep or you could look past your fleshly needs and realize that the greater purpose for you being in the moment you are in is to get an education. The choice that is taken from a good perspective? Study. What is done most often (by me as well lol)? Sleep.

It’s all about mind over matter, attitude, perspective and action. Tie it all together and set it in motion.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Enlightened Consciousness

I’ve been searching for the perfect identity for the place that I am in my life right now…or the stage that I am on slowly stepping on, rather. After a lot of research and answers giving me more questions, I decided to search within myself for the title.

Enlighten (v.) - to give intellectual or spiritual light to; instruct; impart knowledge to.

Consciousness (n.) - the state of being conscious; awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.

This journey has been tumultuous to say the least. I’ve distanced myself from some people and have brought others closer to my heart. I’ve realized my self-worth and wondered what else I could possibly learn. The kicker is; I’m not done. I’m exiting a stage in life where it’s all about “self-consciousness” and entering a stage of Enlightenment. This gives me the opportunity to see things outside of myself and take a holistic approach to the world we abide in.

If you’ve been following my entries and I hope you’ve begun your own journey, then you should be close to this state as well. It’s not easy and takes a lot of sacrifice. All this thinking, progression, fighting against my flesh, focusing on things that aren’t the most fun is tolling. It’s especially difficult if you are not surrounded by supportive individuals. My family and friends have seen my change and I’m happy to say that I’ve affected them as well. I see my friends speaking on deeper topics than boys and the next party. My family and I have a more loving relationship. The slight adjustments I’ve made to my character are influencing those around me and hopefully it travels even farther.

I wish the best for you and your evolution into your Christ-like life. I still have a ways to go, and my heart is still being pulled in many directions. I am just thankful that God gave me this desire to grow and discover more about this world that was created specifically for our exploration and continuation. We have to take heed to the calling to become larger than ourselves, clear the ego from view and give. Simply give.

Alexandria Collins