Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do Better.

Because you can.

I realized that I am not living up to my potential. I could be getting straight A’s, excelling in J-school, achieving all my goals…but I’m just not doing my best. To others, it may seem like we have it all together, but we know, that there is a ways to go.

I spoke with one of my professors today and she told me that I disappointed her…actually she told me that I disgusted her. Not because I’m doing horribly in the class, but because I could be doing THAT MUCH BETTER. When someone sees potential in you and YOU waste it, that’s like slapping yourself over and over again. It’s not hurting anyone but you.

I realized in that moment that from now on I have to be the best. Not to compete with anyone else, not to get recognition from others, but because I owe it to MYSELF to do what I know I am capable of. I am capable of being superwoman. It’s actually not that hard. Instead of waiting till 30 minutes before something is due online to do it, how about taking a couple hours to thoroughly complete the assignment. When you’re given a task, go above and beyond to make sure it’s as detailed and creative as possible. You owe it to yourself to be great.

Also, we have to stop comparing ourselves to the standards of others. If everyone is not paying attention in class, that’s no excuse for you to not be that one kid asking questions and paying attention. The little things along the way are what truly pay off in the end.

I’m tired of being a Buzzard; it’s time to be an Eagle.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Change CAN Be Made

Sometimes it seems like we can't make any positive change in our community. It may seem too hard or as if our change won't really dent the surface. But i've learned that you have to start somewhere. I recently founded an organization focusing on enlightening, empowering and unifying our community. There's so much we can do if we simply have faith in our strength.

I'll admit, it's hard to focus on your vision when there's so much going on around you. But that focus and drive is what makes a statement. If I can provoke thought in one person then my job is accomplished. I just want to be a vessel for others. A way for them to channel their power and also give them a way to see that power. God has blessed me so much recently. It hasn't even been anything monetary or visual. Just with this creativity, perseverance and faith that I have I am truly blessed. It would be horrible for me to not share that with others and that's why I'm on the journey I am now.

Change is possible. It's actual not THAT hard. If you shuffle through the mess and keep your vision you can accomplish anything. Sometimes, you may feel alone as well, but that's a part of the battle you have to fight. If your vision is good enough that you feel it needs to be implemented then it is. Simple as that.

Create change in yourself by creating change in others,
Alexandria Collins