Man in the state of nature was simple. Simple needs that could be accomplished easily. We did not need companionship and only until society was created did we need each other.
-Rousseau (roughly)
John Jacques Rousseau argued that man was perfect and content in this state. There was no arguing, need for power, hatred or preference. I sometimes wonder how life would be if we could go back to that time. A time without the rules of society and without the need to change ourselves to fit into an ever-evolving atmosphere. What would it be like if nature was just enough? It seems to me that life would be splendid. All I can imagine is lush green forests, waterfalls and bright colors from all of the plants and animals. I would be surrounded my creatures of all types, loving and giving. No temptation, hurt, pain or disturbance. If I wanted another human around we could meet and commune simply. We would speak on the joys of nature and the gift of life. Our conversations would be short as to not disturb the flow of movement in our lives. We would be satisfied with that and feel full by just the breath in our bodies.
Why did we change? Why did we decide that land needed to be owned? Who said that it was okay to rule nature and simultaneously destroy it? I wonder and I feel sad. At the same time if no one had been selfish enough to do that we wouldn't experience this life in the way we have now. The "conveniences" we have would not be here. But people were happy without this, right? Without technology, capitalism, suburbia...sometimes I wonder. I wonder as I walk on the grass and soil God has created. I wonder as I sit outside under a bright green tree providing me shade and cool air as the sun brightens the day. I wonder as I drink refreshing water to soothe my parched throat. The simple things.
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