Monday, May 2, 2011

My Theme for this Summer: Creativity.

A new season is upon us! Woo hoo! Loads of sun, breeze, lively greenery and smiles from all. It only seems right for me to take full advantage of this joyous spirit! Therefore, I’ve decided that every day I’m going to try my hardest to be full of passion, strength, determination and CREATIVITY.

I’m the kind of person that can sit around for a full day and just think. Some may call it lazy, but who are they?? Lol But forreal, I can. That doesn’t really get you too many places though. There is a time for self-evaluation and contemplation but if we don’t put action to our thoughts, they are pretty meaningless. I have so many creative designs and ideas that never come to fruition. I’m pretty sure most creative spirits would say the same thing. It’s hard for us to comprehend all the thoughts that cross us let alone act on them! But that’s not going to be my excuse this summer.

I have to make the most of this time and you should resolve to do the same. If anything, this time should be the most creative and active for us because we don’t have the distraction of school to hold us back. (Yes, sometimes I think school is simply a distraction from the true lessons we should be learning). I have this mannequin head that I’m working on right now…it’s going to be pretty bomb once I’ve completed it. I also have a few other film projects and things with NHB and everything else to accomplish. So, I’m putting myself on a timeline and I’m going to let my mind SOAR!

There are no limits for a person that is determined to make something happen. If you follow your heart and set yourself in motion, you can take over the world. I’ll help.


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